The potable water and sanitation sector in various governorates of Egypt (cities and villages) is witnessing a breakthrough in the development of water projects and the establishment of an integrated infrastructure with the aim of fortifying water resources, providing a clean water cup, and introducing sanitation service to deprived areas in cities and villages.

The project of establishing and developing the farms of harmful and East Oweinat is one of the vital projects contributing to the reconstruction of West Aswan (Toshka) and providing services to the staff of implementation of palm farm which considered one of the most prominent projects to produce date , the main elements for the implementation of the project are drinking water purification plants and sewage treatment plants with the aim of delivering potable water and sewage treatment to new villages that were built to revive New Toshka and East Owainat.


second: sewage treatment plants.
One of the salient facts to man that he is obligated to find out solutions of various environmental problems one of them is sewage water which produces cubic hundreds millions of water annually, which considered a wasting of water wealth and a source of pollution of the environment and ground water, the suitable solution is treatment plants which returning water pure and producing organic fertilizers through several stages like sedimentation, biological treatment and equalizing chlorine ratios to become suitable for irrigation.

In cooperation with Orascom which carried out irrigation and civil works, we carried out the mechanical works of this project which include making integrated station to purify the Nile water to make it potable by carrying out some civil, mechanical and electrical works

Design and implement a sewage treatment plant with flow of 60m3/day in terms of civil, mechanical and electrical works and then operation and maintenance for 1 year.
  • Receiving water from the main sewage outlet inside sewage collection yard.
  • A preliminary filtration of solid impurities is carried out through a bar screen before water enters the collection yard.
  • Water pumps with mincers to chop impurities before entering water expulsion pipeline to enter calming and balancing stage to control in entering a suitable amount of water to be treated.
  • Then comes biological treatment stage of water inside aeration tank exposed to sunlight supplied with air diffusers to treat water biologically to get rid of harmful bacteria.
  • To settle sludge and calm water flow, sedimentation basin role is coming to settle impurities so that getting clean water, in which equalizing chlorine ratios after that, and then extract the sludge from collected sludge tank to dry it and use it as an organic fertilizer.
  • Water is pumped into multi-media sandy filter to purify water from any impurities and then store it in collection tanks to use it in irrigating unfruitful lands.
  • Protect environment, water recourses and human life.
  • Reuse treated water and treated hard biological waste in agricultural irrigation.
  • Reducing the consumption of fresh water specially in dry areas.
  • introducing new crops and increasing green area which ensures reduction of environmental pollution.
  • Increasing awareness to citizen of the dangerous of excessive water consumption with no limit.
  • Everlasting development of treatment methods to limit spreading pollutants in environment.
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