The sewage pollution formed a rising threatened to people and creatures which causes the release of harmful pollutants and consuming without warning to the water resources, so we should treat it with an engineering method according to scheduled technical scientific basics, global health standards, security and safety needs and the economical standards.
In this project we use the DAF system for waste water treatment to improve the treated water quality, there for we implement a station to treat the Artificial sewage water by using the DAF unit.
Artificial sewage treatment plants.
Due to the breaking through which happened in Egypt, the country intensifies its efforts to treat the artificial sewage in different ways to save the environment and getting the biggest benefits from the treated water and resulting waste to use it in irrigation.
There are many ways to treat water like physically, chemically and biologically.
So we implemented a sewage treatment plant using DAF System and a balancing tank with 400m3 capacity.
- Receiving water from the slaughter house which carrying sludge into the balance tank 800m3 capacity as a preliminary deposition occurred to heavy hard impurities into the tank.
- Then reaching the DAF unite system to start the water treatment operation.
- Water is collected into a tank with screen to purify water from heavy impurities to make the treatment operation easy.
- And then the role of DAF unit stage comes as it works to scrape the floating impurities from the water surface and put it into sludge collective with pumping chemicals like sodium and chlorine with specific percentages to treat water preliminary.
- We use a specific percentage of chlorine to filter water and then pump it into sand filter to purify it from any impurities then store it into a tank to use it later for any purposes like irrigation.
- Here sludge stage comes as we pull it into sludge tank passing with the filter press which compact the sludge to filter it from water and dry it to use it later as an organic fertilizers.
- Reducing environment pollution and keeping water resources.
- Treating artificial sewage water which carrying harmful bacteria and reuse it again for different purposes like irrigation.
- Growing the unfruitful agriculture in industrial areas.
- Getting the biggest benefits of sewage water like sludge to be an organic fertilizers for agricultural lands.
- PLANT TYPE : animal sewage water
- CAPACITY : 400 M³ / DAY